Medical Associations and Societies In United States - Page 8

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American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine The (ACLAM) - United States

- United States

The American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM) is an organization of board certified veterinary medical specialists who are experts in the humane, proper and safe care and use of laboratory animals.

Category: Veterinary

American College of Integrated Delivery Systems The (ACIDS) - United States

- United States

The mission of the American College of Integrated Delivery Systems is to provide health care professionals with the education and knowledge necessary to be successful in integrated delivery systems environments.

Category: General

American College of International Physicians (ACIP) - United States

- United States

To foster equal opportunities for all International Medical Graduates in the United States, and to participate in favorable non-discriminatory public policy development legislation and mainstream U.S. medical establishments.

Category: General

American College of Healthcare Executive (ACHE) - United States

- United States

International professional society of 30,000 healthcare executives who lead USA hospitals, healthcare systems, and other healthcare organizations.

Category: General

American College of Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP) - United States

- United States

The ACCP strives to be the premier professional society with the size, influence and diversity of membership consistent with the breadth of the discipline of clinical pharmacology.

Category: Pharmacy

American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) - United States

- United States

ACCP is a professional and scientific society that provides leadership, education, advocacy, and resources enabling clinical pharmacists to achieve excellence in practice and research

Category: Pharmacy

American Chronic Pain Association The (ACPA) - United States

- United States

The American Chronic Pain Association is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c) (3) organization.

Category: General

American Chemical Society - United States

- United States

Research News.

Category: General Medicine

American Chemical Society - United States

- United States

To promote the professional growth of those associated with the rubber industry and related endeavors. To educate our members in both basic and leading-edge technologies.

Category: General

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